Porn & Sex Addiction | Stonebridge Recovery

Porn & Sex Addiction

We recognize the unique challenges faced by individuals struggling with porn and sex addiction. Our specialized treatment service offers confidential and compassionate support, combining evidence-based therapies with personalized care plans to address both the behavioral and underlying emotional aspects of addiction. Our goal is to help you achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle and improve your interpersonal relationships.

Tailored Therapy Sessions

Comprehensive Care

Ongoing Support and Monitoring

Relapse Prevention Education

Advocacy and Liaison Services


Effective from day one

Embark on your journey to recovery with Stonebridge’s Recovery Services and rediscover strength and self-control. Contact us today to learn more about our dedicated porn and sex addiction treatment services.

Take the first step today


4685 S Highland Drive #109, Salt Lake City, UT 84117


(949) 326-3497

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